Spirit ART

Spirit Art offerings are designed to help you connect to the tangible and unseen world and yourself in a deep, fun, meaningful way while offering support and guidance.  Both the Auragraph and Spirit Animal Portrait may help you access and process information while providing insights in a creative, beautiful way.  Using my knowledge from Joseph Shiel's, Journey of the Soul Auragraphs Course and as a Certified Aura Colors Practitioner, I sense information about you, then begin creating your Spirit Art.  I will use my intuition to guide me with choice of color, line types, symbols, etc. dialoguing with the portrait to figure out what is needed and what is the next step until it feels complete.  All art is crafted from a place of deep compassion, empathy and respect.   


An Auragraph is an authentic piece of art that uses color, symbols, lines, shapes and sometimes words to provide a beautiful pictorial representation of your life.  It can be used to help you illuminate aspects of your current or future self while providing information about your past, present or future.  Auragraphs can provide clarity, insight and peace while offering compassion, growth and healing.   Everything in an Auragraph has symbolic meaning and is unique to you.  It may also provide information about your energy, social, emotional, mental and spiritual states.  Additionally, Auragraphs can simply provide a creative, intuitive exploration of your life.  

I offer two types of Auragraph to support your Artful Spirit.


This beautiful personal piece of art will use color, flowers, symbols, patterns and lines  to provide clarity about your past, present and future as well as what is unfolding presently.  It will be created on 6" x 9" watercolor paper with mixed media including, watercolor, ink, colored pencil and markers.  Think of it as a glimpse into your inner garden!

Worldscape Auragraph 

The Worldscape Auragraph is larger and circular and provides a more comprehensive and detailed view of your life.  This custom, artistic diagram will be crafted using symbols, shapes, colors, line and pattern and will offer information about past, current and future situations and current powerful driving forces.  It will also delve into energy, social, emotional, mental and spiritual states.  Your auragraph will be created on 9" x 12" watercolor paper with mixed media including: watercolor, ink, colored pencil and markers. It's like a pictorial map of your life! 



Throughout our lives, Animal Spirit Guides are here to support us and offer us wisdom and guidance.  Usually we have one (occasionally more) power animal who is with us our entire life.  We also have animal guides who show up when we need them and they stay as long as necessary. 

By noticing when an animal guide shows up for us and understanding its true nature we can then apply these strengths and attributes to our own lives. 

To create your Spirit Animal Portrait, I will focus intently on your picture and on your behalf and using my intuition I will discern what animal is showing up for you at this time.  Spirit Animal Portraits are not designed or pre-conceived.  Instead they are crafted using my inner knowing — layer by layer; color by color; mark by mark until the portrait is complete.  You will also receive an interpretation of the portrait including specific information about your animal, colors, symbols, colors and overall tone and energy.  The mixed media portrait may include watercolor paint, colored pencils, ink, markers, charcoal, graphite and glitter and will be crafted on 9" x 12" watercolor paper and includes a matte.

Disclaimer:  Spirit Animal Portraits and Auragraphs are created with the utmost respect, integrity and compassion.  These are guides and tools and are for entertainment purposes.  They are experimental and no claims can be made or guaranteed.  How you choose to use your Spirit Art and the information provided is your choice.  You have free will to use the information however you see fit.

$250 + shipping & handling

"The human spirit may be likened to the bounty of the sun shining on a mirror. The body of man...grows and develops through the animal spirit."

  Frequently Asked Questions 
  • It usually takes about 2 weeks to complete an Auragraph or Spirit Animal Portrait.  If the demand is particularly high due to lots of other happenings like:  workshops, events and classes; it may take longer.  The holidays can also be a busy time, so please plan ahead.  You will be informed if the lead time is longer than 2 weeks.  Upon completion, the original artwork will be mailed arriving in 5 to 7 business days.

  • Once your Auragraph or Spirit Animal Portrait is complete, you will receive a written interpretation (reading) via email including symbols, colors, patterns and whatever else shows up.  A picture of your art will also be included.  The original artwork will be mailed at that time and should arrive in 5 to 7 business days depending on your location.  Please note, I ship only to the United States.

  • No.  At this time, I am only able to ship within the United States.

  • I use a variety of mixed media and create your art on quality watercolor paper.  Materials may include: watercolor paint, markers, fine liners, inks, colored pencils, glitter, charcoal and graphite.  If I am called to use another medium on your artwork to add to the mystery and magic — so be it!

  • Many of my current offerings have a spiritual element. In the future, I plan to offer an Artful Spirit Workshop Series. If you want to stay informed on all the latest and greatest, be sure to subscribe!